
Our Why

Many kids of a certain socioeconomic condition cannot ascertain the difference by sight or sound between a guitar and a violin, or a flute and a trumpet. They often don’t have a musical experience in school because they’ve never engaged with a musical instrument. We recognize that many kids in less fortunate social economic conditions may not have had breakfast that day, which can cause behavior that requires extra attention. If these children don’t have a mentor to take the time, they may not have an opportunity for a musical experience. A young person can come to Cool School if they have an instrument or not, knows how to read music or not, and whether their behavior is cool or not.

When is it?

All youth are invited, and they’re all welcome! Cool School is every Saturday from 10:00am until 01:00pm. Sessions for Youth ages 10-13 @ 10-11AM. Sessions for Youth ages 13-18 @ 11:30-1PM.


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